
I'm going to try to show off my world, or the world from my point of view, by posting a picture a day for a whole year. I'm not sure if this will be a success, but I have to give it a try.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 70 - or - Why Has My iPhone Started Sucking?

This is a picture of some work being done to the supply lines to the fire hydrants something that effed up the mother fudging cable and internet for a good 12 hours again at my apartment complex. No. Seriously. It is. No matter how still I held the iPhone, this is as good as it got.

Basically, since the OS4 update, nothing has worked right; battery life, 3G service, wi-fi, freezing crashing, and so on, and so on. The fact that I can finally zoom with the camera just seems like too little, too late.

This was an awesome phone for the first year or two that I had it, but now I'm not so sure. I guess it was Steve Jobs plan all along to press the "self destruct" button for all older model iPhones when the latest model came out.

We learned ways to work around all the problems Microsoft has to offer. With Apple, they found a way to charge us for them.

-Steps off soapbox-


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