
I'm going to try to show off my world, or the world from my point of view, by posting a picture a day for a whole year. I'm not sure if this will be a success, but I have to give it a try.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 51 - or - The Last Day for Sir Ed's

Little did I know that when I posted on Monday about being at Sir Ed's, two days later it would be closing for good. I had no idea that I would never have a my usual again. I would have never guessed that my last beer there would be a Harp.

My initial reaction to hearing about Sir Ed's closing was something like this. However, the more I looked into it, the more it changed to this and this and this. Realizing that denial couldn't change the facts, I finally came to accept it.

I went Sir Ed's one more time - for the last time. Along with so many others,
we were able to celebrate our favorite memories with our favorite people.

It seemed like Sir Ed's would always be there, but I guess it is true what they say.
Nothing can last forever.


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